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Use the Links Below to Email & Tweet Susan Collins!
The Senate is composed of 53 Republicans, 45 Democrats, and 2 “Independents.” President Trump will need 50 Republican votes to push through his Supreme Court appointee, with Vice President, Mike Pence, casting the tie-breaking vote.
Our wonderful senator from Maine, Susan Collins, is on record stating that the appointment to the Supreme Court “should be made by the President who is elected on November 3rd.” This is not acceptable, and we must let her know! Stand Up, Maine! urges you to call, email, and tweet Susan Collins today, and every day until the vote! We need to use our collective power to get her to work for us, the people who voted for her! Let her feel the fear of losing her seat if she does not vote on the SCOTUS appointee before Nov. 4th.
Below are links to send out pre-written form letters and tweets to Senator Collins. Find the correct section (Mainer or Out-of-Stater), then click on the link for the email provider you use, and a new window open up with the letter, email addresses, and subject all filled out! All you need to do is sign your name. If you prefer to tweet, just click on the tweet provided.
Here is a copy of the email that will be sent when you click on a link below (with changes for non-Maine residents):
Dear Senator Collins,
As a conservative Maine voter and current Collins supporter, Irequest youto unconditionally support President Trump and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell in their efforts to fill the seat left vacant by Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
By supporting the President, you will gain conservative votes here in Maine (many are currently planning to leave the senate ballot option blank, or will vote for Max Linn). If you fail to support President Trump and Mitch McConnell, you will be handing your Senate seat directly to Sara Gideon.
Please do the right thing- support President Trump and Senator McConnell’s efforts to fill the vacant Supreme Court seat.
I am a Maine voter. @SenSusanCollins, I want you to vote to #FillTheSeatNOW. Do you want to lose? Bc you are going to if you don't vote before Nov 3!
Use link to tweet or email Collins!
.@SenSusanCollins, vote to #FillTheSeatNOW. Do you want to lose you state? Bc you are going to if you don't vote before Nov 3! People are bailing!
Use link to tweet or email Collins!
Because we need a new system of rights for the new, digital age.
V1.0 is from Coffee with Scott Adams Episode 1054 July 11th, 2020
Video evidence of a crime is not admissible in court unless both the prosecution and the defense agree that it shows what happened. Because videos, photos, and audio recordings are more misleading than clarifying. Removing the beginning or end of a video changes its context and therefore meaning.
There is a maximum five-year ban from any digital platform, regardless of offense. Because public platforms are too important for daily life to have somebody blocked forever. If you come back and engage in the same behavior, you’re banned again.
You have the right to know the identity of your online accuser. Because in the legal system, you have a right to know who accuses you. If somebody tweets that Scott Adams eats kittens, Mr. Adams has the right to petition Twitter to unveil that person’s identity.
You are the only one who has the right to tell your opinion. Because no one knows your inner thoughts but you. In addition, you have the right to label all misrepresentations of your opinion online.
Nobody can be guilty by digital association. Simply having your photo taken with the worst person in the world doesn’t make you a bad person.
You cannot be blamed for anything you say while anonymous. Because everybody says things privately that would get them canceled if said in public. This does not apply to threats of harm.
You cannot be blamed for any digital reproduction of something that happened over twenty years ago. Because you should not be punished today because of something your digital ghost did—the version of you that no longer exists.
Single source reporting must be self-labeled. Because news with one source is highly non-credible information.
Any news reports corrections must be as prominent as the original story. Because fake news often gets millions of impressions while corrections get thousands.
If you try to organize a boycott against any company, your own identity must be public. Because anyone calling for boycotts against American companies should not have the advantage of privacy when the target does not. Mutual assured destruction prevents that.
It is illegal for news organizations (not an individual) to show a video or audio recording that is edited to change context or meaning. Because President Donald Trump never called the Charlottesville neo-Nazis “fine people,” a simple clarification which many news reports removed from the video excerpt they published.
We are a grassroots community of Maine residents, property owners, and visitors. We envision an engaged Maine citizenry, unafraid to ask difficult questions and stand up for our rights.Our goal is to unite, inform, and empower the people of Maine to stand up for our principles, rights, and liberty.
Maine lockdown will have far-reaching health impacts, says Maine surgeon
Critical Care Surgeon Dr. Carlo Gammaitoni of Maine General Surgery in Augusta spoke to the admins of Stand Up, Maine! recently about the far-reaching impacts to health care delivery in Maine resulting from the Emergency Lockdown in response to the Coronavirus.